The relationship between cannabis and sex has been a topic of curiosity for both consumers and the scientific community for decades.
Until recently, the potential of cannabis to increase libido and even pleasure was attributed to THC, as many consumers report an increase in bodily sensitivity. However, due to the recent regulation around the globe, other compounds found in cannabis such as CBD, CBN, and terpenes, have started to be studied and understood more.
Along with research on these molecules, our body’s endocannabinoid system has been further investigated, discovering the functions it regulates and how cannabinoids interact with it, inhibiting or activating bodily functions.
Does Cannabis Increase Sexual Desire?
The answer to this question seems to have nuances that are worth considering. In principle, science has shown that cannabis can indeed act as an aphrodisiac and improve the quality of sexual relationships.
According to several scientific studies, THC stimulates the production of dopamine and anandamide, two hormones that, when released in our brain, produce a sense of well-being and happiness. Additionally, this cannabinoid also increases testosterone, another trigger for an increased libido.
It seems that using cannabis before sexual intercourse can help reduce anxiety, relax the body and mind, intensify sensory perception, increase pleasure, boost libido, and strengthen the emotional connection between sexual partners.
Additionally, some users have reported an increase in focus and sensitivity towards their partner, which could help make them better lovers, as it increases the desire to satisfy the other person, which could contribute to an improvement in “technique.”

Sexuality and Cannabis: the Key Lies in the Dosage
Several studies suggest a relationship between the endocannabinoid system and feminine sexual arousal. It appears that cannabinoids have the ability to activate some receptors involved in sexual functions, and there is also a relationship between feminine sexual desire and the amount of endocannabinoids present in the brain. In other words, the production of these molecules, according to each individual’s body, can increase or decrease libido in women.
However, experts state that it’s not just a matter of consuming cannabinoids to awaken sexual desire, but rather finding the right dosage. The frequency and amount of consumption seem to play a significant role here.
Each person reacts differently and is uniquely configured. Therefore cannabinoids, like any other substance that interacts with the body, do not produce the same effects in one person as they might in another.
What does seem to apply to most people is that occasional cannabis consumption can increase libido, while excessive and chronic use seems to decrease it.
Do Terpenes Influence Cannabis’s Effect on Sexual Desire?
Until recently, the real reason why some strains we classify as “sativas” and others as “indicas” produced very different effects when consumed was unknown. Strains in the first group were attributed with energetic, cerebral, and motivating effects, while strains from the second group were considered ideal for relaxation, sleep, and as a potent physical sedative.
However, nowadays we know that this difference in effects produced by different cannabis strains is determined by their terpene profile. Although aromatic molecules themselves do not have psychoactive effects, they do possess relaxing, euphoric and anxiolytic properties, among others.
Therefore, depending on the terpene profile of each strain, it can produce a different effect.
When consuming cannabis to enhance your sex life, this factor must be taken into account. It’s not the same to use a strain that produces a powerful sedative effect as one that produces a slight sensation of mental activation.

Which Cannabis Terpenes are Good for Sex?
The are many different reasons why a someone may have problems in the bedroom, and there’s no foolproof formula that works for everyone. Instead, we should be analyzing the causes of the problem and possibly getting a little help by considering and applying the properties of each terpene correctly.
Terpenes For Relaxing and Letting Yourself Go
Some people feel stressed about the idea of sexual activity itself, either due to fear of not satisfying their partner, insecurities that create difficulties with intimacy, or simply because they have accumulated tension in other areas of their lives (work, responsibilities, etc.), which can affect their sex life.
In this regard, Linalool is known for its anxiolytic properties and its ability to reduce stress, which could also help alleviate symptoms of depression. Linalool, one of the main terpenes found in some cannabis strains, can induce a state of relaxation that could help partners “let go” and have more pleasurable sexual experiences.
Some strains high in this compound include Mojito, which produces a stimulating and fun effect combined with a pleasant release of stress, and Do-Si-Dos, which produces a very enjoyable relaxing effect.
Terpenes for Increasing the Mood and Promoting Higher Libido
The stress of everyday life can contribute to a state of apathy that reduces sexual desire. Limonene, a terpene present in cannabis and responsible for its citric aromas, can have a stimulating effect and improve the mood.
It’s thought that this terpene could help induce a state of mild euphoria and joy, which in turn can increase sexual appetite. There are strains with high levels of this terpene, such as Nina Limone, which produces a state of euphoria, creativity, and heightened sensory stimulation.

Terpenes for Reducing Pain and Intensifying Pleasure
Some women can experience pain during sexual intercourse, which makes it less or not at all pleasurable for them. The medical term for this condition is dyspareunia, which refers to genital pain during intercourse. This condition can affect many women at some point in their lives, and the reasons can vary from physiological problems to psychological blocks.
Caryophyllene has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and anxiolytic properties that can help relax the body and mind, allowing for pain relief pain and, along with it, an increased enjoyment of sexual relations.
Additionally, it’s known that this terpene also has the ability to activate CB2 receptors in the endocannabinoid system, and it’s believed that its calming effects are partly exerted through this interaction. There are several strains which contain higher levels of Caryophyllene than others, with Lemon Cookies being a good example, astrain that produces a stimulating, fun, and pleasurable effect.
Other Ways to Increase Libido
There is no magic recipe for a fulfilling and satisfying sex life. First, you need to identify the underlying causes of low sexual desire, as it can be attributed to various factors, including psychological, habitual, or lifestyle-related factors.
Here are some tips based on commonly encountered issues:
Improving Communication
Strengthening bonds and communicating our needs, both sexually and emotionally, is one of the keys to feeling more relaxed when sharing intimate moments with another person. Feeling secure in the relationship, whether it’s a romantic partnership or simply with someone you want to have casual sex with, is crucial for relaxation and allowing desire to flow.

Reducing Anxiety
Stress is the number one enemy of a healthy libido. There are many habits that can help us reduce the stress of everyday life, such as:
- Maintaining good sleep habits.
- Engaging in regular exercise.
- Maintaining a balanced and healthy diet.
- Practicing hobbies that allow you to distract yourself from your daily responsibilities and enjoy life.
- Meditating, taking breaks, and putting everyday problems into perspective.
Working on Foreplay
Often, a lack of libido in some individuals stems from unsatisfying past experiences. The more enjoyment one derives from sexual activity, the greater the motivation to repeat it, and vice versa.
In the case of women, foreplay can play a very important role in reaching orgasm since it is estimated that only about 20% of women achieve orgasm solely through sexual intercourse.
The consumption of certain foods can increase sexual appetite. You can try including the following in your diet:
- Truffles
- Chocolate
- Avocado
- Ginger
- Honey
- Bananas
- Cardamom
- Almonds
- Cinnamon
- Others

Thanks to the legalization of cannabis, there has been increasing research and studies on the relationship between its compounds and our bodies. Understanding how the different components of this ancient plant can contribute to improving certain aspects of our health and wellbeing may be key to addressing further conditions in the future. Now you know a little more about how cannabis can affect our libido; at Cali Terpenes, we will continue to provide information on new ways to achieve a fuller, healthier, and more nature-connected lifestyle.
- Marijuana use and sexual behavior. Ronald A. Weller & James A. Halikas
Pages 186-193 | Accepted 29 Apr 1983, Published online: 11 Jan 2010 Download citation - The Perceived Effects of Marijuana Use Before Sex Lynn, B 1 ; Miller, C1; Thompson, J1; Jones, B1; Campian, EC1
- Saint Louis University, USA Klein, Caroline; Hill, Matthew N.; Gorzalka, Boris (2012). Circulating Endocannabinoid Concentrations and Sexual Arousal in Women. The Journal of Sex medicine, vol. 9, n.6.
- Klein, Caroline (2011). The endocannabinoid system and female sexual arousal. Tesis doctoral en Filosofía. Universidad de British Columbia.