Cali Terpenes’ terpene e-liquids

Do you like the flavor of cannabis strains but would like to avoid their psychoactive effect? Want to quit smoking but don’t know how? This article explains what terpene e-liquids are and the benefits that they can offer to minimize risks in contrast with smoking.

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Have you ever considered quitting smoking or reducing your intake? Smoking is an addiction that affects millions of people worldwide. But did you know there are some healthier alternatives?

Today, we’re introducing one of them: Cannabis-flavored e-liquids from Cali Terpenes.

Cali Terpenes’ e-liquids: Enjoy yourself to the max and minimize risks

We proudly present our premium e-liquid line, formulated in collaboration with Doctor Mariano Garcia de Palau, and featuring our cannabis terpene profiles (cannabis aromas).

When we developed our line of terpene e-liquids, we aimed to create a product for consumers to enjoy the flavor of the finest cannabis strains but without having to endure the smoke from combustion.

Our terpene e-liquids do not contain any cannabinoids (THC, CBD, CBN, CBG…), meaning they don’t produce any psychoactive effects. Therefore, they are legal products that comply with cannabinoid legislation in all countries.

And neither do they contain addictive substances like nicotine, so they are an effective tool for quitting smoking. The biggest mistake made by many smokers attempting to quit is continuing nicotine intake through other methods (patches, chewing gum, etc). In our view, this is a major mistake, as the only thing that is achieved with this is to perpetuate the addiction to this substance. At Cali Terpenes, we’re clear about it: you definitely don’t need nicotine to quit smoking.

Terpenes are plant components that provide the distinctive taste and smell of each cannabis strain. Similarly, they contribute to the flavor and aroma of our e-liquids.

Cannabis terpene e-liquids
Terpenes are plant components that provide the distinctive smell and taste of each cannabis strain. Similarly, they contribute to the flavor and aroma of our e-liquids.

Formulation of Cali Terpenes’ e-liquids

The formulation of our e-liquids has been carried out in collaboration with terpene and cannabinoid expert Dr. Mariano Garcia de Palau.

The goal is to fully enjoy the flavor and aroma of the different cannabis strains.

  • Although vaping is already based on risk reduction as compared to smoking, our vaping philosophy goes even further. Our e-liquids promote a decrease in residue formed after vaporization thanks to our unique formulation by health professionals.

To achieve this, the formation of vapor is reduced (by reducing vegetable glycerin proportions) when compared to other formulations that are currently available in the vaping market.

Cali Terpenes’ e-liquids aim to offer not only the same amount of vapor as most existing vaping liquids, but a significantly more satisfying experience in terms of taste and vaping quality. Our formulation proves more than sufficient for efficiently delivering terpenes, without altering their taste, which becomes sweeter in direct proportion to the VG (vegetable glycerin) content.

Terpene e-liquids
The philosophy behind Cali Terpenes’ terpene e-liquids is simple: Enjoy the taste of the finest cannabis strains without generating combustion smoke.
  • Moreover, we minimize the risks of vaping, which are commonly associated with high proportions of vegetable glycerin (VG) with regard to their lipid-based characteristics.
  • As we’ll explain in more detail below, even though all e-liquids (including ours) can be vaporized in any atomizer designed for e-liquids, we recommend using atomizers with a coil of at least 1 ohm (ideally between 1 and 2 ohms).
  • Vaping terpene e-liquids also provides a new reference regarding flavors. There’s a distinct difference between consuming terpenes with or without combustion, as combustion can clearly “muddy” the flavors.

Improving the vaping experience

This type of formulation, combined with the incredibly high quality of Cali Terpenes’ cannabis terpene profiles, results in an intense and wide-ranging taste experience.

  • For an optimal vaping experience, we recommend using a coil of at least 1 ohm, for both rebuildable and “all-in-one” atomizers, such as Iore Lite. This way, the temperature will increase more slowly, which prevents the coil from becoming incandescent.
healthier vaping
Healthy vaping reduces around 95% of the risks derived from combustion.

The temperature generated by an incandescent coil typically ranges from 300 to 500ºC, and can produce compounds like acrolein or formaldehyde (both harmful to health). From the viewpoint of the Cali Terpenes team, it makes no sense to vaporize with a low resistance coil: although this creates more vapor, it can also increase risks and cause coughing and irritation.

Besides, there’s no need to reach these temperatures to vape e-liquids, as they’re not necessary for transporting terpenes or any other aromas.

Therefore, vaping with a high resistance coil efficiently minimizes these issues.

  • Furthermore, the quality of the materials that make up an atomizer or vape pen is highly important. The components that make up these devices heat up above 200ºC, so they should be stable and durable.
  • Regular maintenance and cleaning of the atomizer/tank, in addition to regular coil replacement according to how frequently the device is used, is also highly important.

What’s the difference between smoking cannabis and vaping terpene e-liquids?

    • According to numerous studies on the subject, vaping e-liquids is about 95% healthier than smoking . Read our “Smoking vs Vaping” article to learn more about this topic.
    • When you vape terpene e-liquids, there’s no combustion (neither of terpenes nor of paper, plant matter, tobacco, etc.). The plant base that normally transports the terpenes is replaced with liquid (formed by PG and VG), and there’s no presence of cannabinoids. All of this means that the flavor of terpene e-liquids is fresher and sweeter, more like the scent of flowering cannabis plants or the one you get from vaping cannabis buds.
    • Using terpene e-liquids doesn’t produce any psychoactive effects, but the power of terpenes is known to relax or stimulate, especially when combined with cannabinoids or when previously used (this is known as the entourage effect).

Therefore, we don’t recommend choosing your e-liquids just for their flavor but also for the terpenes that they contain, as vaporized terpenes also have certain effects.

Kush e-liquid
Holy Grail Kush e-liquid. Cali Terpenes’ e-liquids and the SMOK Novo vaporizer make the perfect match.

Our selection

All cannabis terpene profiles from Cali Terpenes can be used in the making of e-liquids. Nonetheless, we want to provide you with a selection of the most in-demand strains of the moment, which encapsulate a wide range of flavours and can be enjoyed directly in e-liquid vaporizers, pods, and electronic cigarettes.

      • Amnesia: a strong, fresh and citric flavor reminiscent of lime/lemon, with faint sweet and earthy touches.
      • Gorilla Glue: a deep and earthy flavor with pungent touches of pine.
      • Super Lemon Haze: strong, citric and fresh, with some sweet touches.
      • Jamaican Dream: a sweet flavor with citric and nutty hues, reminiscent of hazelnut.
      • OG Kush: a deep, fruity and citric flavor with Diesel nuances.
      • Girl Scout Cookies: a sweet and earthy flavor with spicy touches.
      • Critical: a strong and citrusy flavor with sweet touches of lemon and spices.
      • Holy Grail Kush: a deep and sweet flavour with touches of earth and citrus fruits.
      • Gelato: a sweet and creamy flavor with citrusy touches.
      • AK 47: a sweet flavor reminiscent of red fruits, with strong touches of pine and moist soil.
      • Tangie: a deep and citrusy Diesel flavor with sweet touches reminiscent of mandarin.
      • Blackberry Kush: a fruity and sweet flavor reminiscent of Afghan hash.
      • Sour Diesel: a deep, fresh and citric Diesel flavor with spicy and earthy nuances.
      • Lavender: a deep, fresh and floral flavor with touches of lavender.
      • Cheese: a sweet and citrusy Skunk-like flavor, with touches of cured cheese and incense.

If you notice that certain strain is missing from our e-liquids, remember that you can make your own e-liquids with our terpene profiles. How? Visit our post “How to make e-liquids with terpenes” and learn to make them yourself.

In addition, our e-liquids catalog will continue to grow with the new and delicious flavours of the most acclaimed cannabis strains.

See you soon!

Cali Terpenes

4 thoughts on “Cali Terpenes’ terpene e-liquids”

  1. Hi,
    I was looking for somewhere to post a review but couldn’t find such a place.

    I wanted to say I received my package and the extra items, (Lanyard, stickers etc). The e liquid is incredible, I was genuinely surprised at how much it tastes like vaporized marijuana flower.

    Look forward to trying the remaining strains.

    Thank you very much!

    Chris M (Ireland)

    1. Hello dear,
      thank you so much! We work so hard to bring the best of us.

      Hugs 🙂
      Cali Terpenes

  2. I have a condition known as cannabanoid hyperemesis syndrome, or CHS, which makes the consumption of cannabanoids impossible, I am curious if this is a safe alternative that won’t put me in the hospital?

    1. Our eliquids with terpenes (e-liquid with terpenes) are cannabinoid-free. The other e-liquid line (CBD e-liquids) contains CBD (that is a cannaboid).
      Terpenes are not cannabinoids but we still recommend consulting with the doctor who manages your illness, because we know that for example that THC is bad for your illness, but not if there are other elements that can be dangerous for it.

      Cali Terpenes.

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