We’re back with another instalment of similarities between cannabis and nature. Did you know that most plants, trees and fruits have certain factors in common with cannabis?
On other occasions we’ve talked about plants and cannabis, such as Haze strains and incense, or the link between ginger and cannabis, as well as fruits such as grapefruit, mandarins and mangos in regards to cannabis. IN the following post, we’ll explain the properties behind Papaya and their similarities with cannabis.
Papaya and Cannabis – What do They Have in Common?
Carica Papaya is a plant from the Carica group, which produces a fruit commonly known as the papaya. This species is native to Mesoamerica (the area that makes up Mexico, el Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Belice, Costa – Rica and occidental Nicaragua). However, nowadays it can be found along tropical areas of America, including Argentina, Chile, Brazil, the Dominican Republic, as well as other countries further away such as India, Indonesia, Thailand, the Congo, and even the Canary Islands, among others.
Papaya fruits are oblong in shape, with an orange, yellow, green or pink color on the outside, and red or orange on the inside, which also contains many round, black seeds. A papaya can weigh up to 20kg, although they usually weigh in at around 0.5kg.
Its sweet, soft flavor is a favorite of almost everyone that tries it. Whether you like its flavour or not, you can’t deny that its composition holds a multitude of benefits.

What Properties Does Papaya Have?
Papaya, thanks to its compounds, is considered a highly nutritional fruit, as well as medicinal.
Main Nutrients in Papaya
Like most fruits, they contain mostly water (around 90%), making them a great diuretic, but they also contain:
- Vitamin C: papaya is rich in this vitamin, also found in other fruits such as oranges, helping the body to absorb iron, increasing the defenses and the creation of collagen and red blood cells, as well as other benefits.
- Vitamins B1, B2, and B3: they regulate the digestive system and nervous system.
- Vitamin A: this helps with the growth and maintenance of the teeth, soft tissue, mucose, skin and bone tissue, also improving vision.
- Calcium, phosphorus, sodium, sulfur, iron, silicon and potassium: necessary elements for a complete nutrition and for proper metabolic processes.
- Fiber: which favors digestion.
Additionally, Papaya seeds also have many interesting nutrients and essential oils that provide a series of benefits, which we’ll talk about next.
Benefits of consuming Papaya
Thanks its composition, papaya can produce many benefits when consumed.
- Papaya contains papain, a special enzyme specific to this fruit which helps to digest proteins. It also improves scaring and anti-inflammatory processes in consumers that suffer from digestive issues such as ulcers and irritable bowel syndrome.
- Improves muscle health thanks to vitamins B and C, as well as anti-oxidants and minerals.
- Can help relieve constipation thanks to its high fiber content, which can also regulate cholesterol and sugar levels.
- Thanks to its high vitamin B content, it also helps the nervous system.
- Contains an anti-oxidant called lycopene which can help prevent heart attacks and premature aging.
- It favors and maintains tanned skin thanks to beta-carotene, an orange colored orangic pigment that also helps avoid sun burn.
- Its antioxidants in combination with vitamins can prevent skin staining.
- Can help coagulate internal and external injuries, thanks to its high content in fibrine, an element that’s easy to absorb.
- On a cosmetic level, they’re known for their hydrating and regenerative properties for hair and skin, as well as an alternative level for treating eczema and acne. Its content in vitamin A is beneficial for the skin, immune system and more.
- It improves the circulatory system thanks to its content in Vitamin E.
- Thanks to the alkaloids in contains, it can get rid of worms and other stomach parasites, as well as prevent the creation of gasses.
- Highly recommended for smokers and to increase the body’s natural defences thanks to its high vitamin C content.

Benefits of Consuming Papaya Seeds
Consuming papaya seeds also has various benefits:
- They help to burn fat, stopping the organism from absorbing more sugar and fat than is necessary.
- They protect the kidneys, helping with renal infections according to various studies.
- Can improve intestinal health, as its content in proteolytic enzymes can get rid of parasites and eggs as well as amoebas thanks to an alkaloid called Carpaine.
- They help to improve the digestive system thanks to their anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory qualities.
- Studies conclude that chewing papaya seeds can help in cases of hepatic cirrhosis, which means that it promotes liver health.
What Terpenes are in Papaya? What Does it Have in Common with Cannabis?
From the second half of the 20th Century, various analyses have been done on the volatile and aromatic components in this fruit.
Among these studies, many terpenes have been found in common with cannabis, although some others aren’t found as frequently.
Most terpenes which have been found in Papaya fruit are Limonene, Ocimene, Sabinene, Terpineol, Nerol, Geranio, A-Pinene and Farnesol, although the most abundant terpene found and the one that is thought to produce the most aroma is Linalool.
What Cannabis Strains Share Terpenes with Papaya
As we were saying, Papaya has many terpenes in common with cannabis, but as the proportion of Linalool is much higher than others, we’ll have a closer look at strains with high amounts of that terpene.
Strains Rich in Linalol
There are many strains rich in linalool; let’s have a look with strains that have large amounts of this terpene:
- Dosidos
- Mojito
- Cheese
- Girl Scout Cookies
- Kashmir Kush
- Gelato
- Sweet Tooth
- Chocolate Mint OG
- Holy Grail Kush
- Lemon Cookies
Strains with a Similar Aroma to Papaya
There are cannabis strains that have hints of Papaya in their aroma, and some strains have even taken on its name, but do they have any terpenes in common with Papaya?
Well, not entirely, as the famous Papaya cannabis strain mostly contains Myrcene, Caryophyllene and Limonene. This doesn’t mean it doesn’t smell like Papaya, as different terpene combinations can produce similar aromas.

So, what do you think? Leave a comment below and let us know your opinion or questions.
Until next time!
Cali Terpenes