Recipe: White Tender Asparagus with Terpenes, Terpy White Forest

Looking to surprise someone with a healthy, special recipe? Chef420grados and Cali Terpenes present another amazing dish with terpenes and seasonal products: White tender asparagus with Missing in Barcelona terpenes; find out more here.
asparagus recipe

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We’re back with more delicious recipes by the great Chef420grados! In this entry, we’ll be combining seasonal products (fresh white asparagus) with a special touch of Cali Terpenes.

In order to create this recipe, called “Terpy White Forest”, MIB or Missing in Barcelona food-grade terpenes were chosen. Why this strain? Chef420grados wanted to create a mixture of aromas as complex as the dish, combining hints of fruit, earth, citrus and pine.

The history behind white asparagus is quite linked to the Mediterranean sea, although it’s believed they were originally found near the rivers Tigris and Euphrates. Another theory states that they were originally used in ancient Greek and Egyptian civilizations, made popular by the Romans who introduced them to the Iberian Peninsula. Regardless of their origin, we’re glad our ancestors added it to their recipes; apart from being delicious, asparagus are an amazing source of fibre and can help to detox the body.

This seasonal ingredient tends to be used during March and July in Spain, and it’s rich in fibre, folates and vitamins from group B.

Enjoy a healthy and surprisingly delicious dish with this recipe from our beloved Chef420grados.

cooking asparagus
This tender white asparagus recipe is super special, as it mixes a complex combination of aromas that make each and every bite unique and special.

Dishes with Cannabis Flavoring: White Asparagus with Terpenos

We’re going to go over the ingredients and steps in this recipe, a simple and healthy dish that’ll surprise anyone.


  • 4 large, fresh white asparagus
  • 500g. mussels
  • 4 slices of serrano ham
  • 2 slices of toasted bread
  • 1 clove of black garlic
  • 1 lemon
  • Vinegar
  • Salt
  • Butter
  • Blossoms or sprouts (optional)
  • MIB Terpenes (Missing in Barcelona)

Tutorial video:

White Asparagus with Terpenes: Step by Step

Let’s have a look at how to make this recipe, all you have to do is follow a few simple steps:


  1. Boil a decent amount of vinegar (in our case, apple vinegar) in a pot. Add the mussels and cover.
  2. Separate the meat in the mussels from the shells, adding the vinegar with the juice from the mussels until the texture is as desired. Sieve it to remove any lumps, add a touch of salt and set aside.
  3. Melt the butter and add a drop of MIB terpenes. Mix and add your sauce once it’s cooled down a bit.
  4. Peal the asparagus (leaving the tip) and cook them in a pot with water and salt, boiling at low heat (about 8 – 12 mins depending on the size of the asparagus). We recommend testing the stem of the asparagus with a fork to make sure they’re well cooked. Cool down and set aside.
  5. Lay your slices of ham on kitchen paper and dry them by placing them in the microwave for about 30 seconds.
  6. Shred the bred and ham until you have breadcrumbs. Set aside.


  1. Place the sauce at the bottom of the plate.
  2. Add your asparagus.
  3. Place your breadcrumbs an ham on top, with sliced black garlic, blossoms and sprouts, with some lemon peel shavings.
  4. Enjoy!
using terpenes in food
Terpenes are easy to use in dishes, all you have to do is add them in when no heat is required, to sauces or fatty ingredients so that they can properly mix.

We hope you enjoy this delicious terpene recipe, a great way to make the most of the season. See you at the next recipe!

Cali Terpenes

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