The terpene ocimene isn’t considered one of the main terpenes in cannabis plants. However, it’s found in cannabis plants’ composition, depending on the strain.
The aroma and flavor produced by cannabis plants is determined by their individual terpene profiles, unique to each plant. This profile contributes considerably to the experience when consumed. A small modification in certain terpenes can make the effects produced by the cannabis and the aspect of the bud itself change.
That’s why each and every terpene present in different strains play an important role, even if they aren’t necessarily the main terpene found in large amounts.
What is Ocimene?
This terpene is a substance that can be found in nature in various different plants, such as hops, basil and including, as we said before, certain strains of cannabis.
This terpene lets off a fruity, herbal aroma with citric and woody tones similar to tropical fruit, with an intense floral wood aftertaste. Plus, just like other terpenes, Ocimene has properties that could be useful for therapeutic purposes.

What are Ocimene’s Properties?
Terpenes found in cannabis plants make up a sort of defense system against possible environmental issues such as infestations etc. Plus, this aromatic molecules also act by attracting pollenating insects to your plants, promoting the spread of the species.
If we focus on the properties that ocimene has and can give us, we’ve already mentioned in previous posts that terpene profiles in cannabis plants contribute quite a lot to what’s called the “entourage effect”, which is basically synergy between the different compounds found in the plant, including cannabinoids, which can strengthen and modify the effects produced.
Just like with other terpenes such as Myrcene or Linalool, Ocimene also has therapeutic properties that could be beneficial. It’s believed that this terpenes can have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and decongestion effects.
However, more studies need to be done regarding this terpene on its own in order to discover its full properties and uses on a therapeutic scale.

What Strains Contain Ocimene?
As we said above, ocimene is not usually found among the three terpenes found in the highest content in cannabis strains. However, there are strains that contain a moderate amount of Ocimene in their terpene profile. The following strains have ocimene situated among their top 10 terpenes in their respective profiles:
- Tangie: this is a strain that became famous thanks to its flavor; it has a particular terpene profile that produces mandarine and citric aromas, with an earthy, sweet, tropical aftertaste. This delicious combination resulted in a breath of fresh air for cannabis consumers, as it truly was different. This strains’ terpene profile makes it slightly euphoric, stimulating and pleasing.
- Gelato: another amazing flavor profile that marked a before and after in the cannabis community thanks to its uniqueness. Honoring its name, Gelato has an intensely sweet aroma and flavor, with citric and earthy, kush-like hints, as well as a creamy feel to it. Its clear hints of vanilla and diesel make this West Coast strain one of the best and most famous of the passed few years.
- Lemon Cookies: the aroma produced by this strain is highly refreshing, as it combines tropical and citric flavors, with incensed and spicy tones, as well as an earthy, spicy aftertaste with lavender, floral hints. A combination that has made this strain truly special.

Without a doubt, the compounds found in cannabis plants need a lot more research and investigation if we are to fully understand their potential and uses, both recreationally and therapeutically. Now you know a bit more about ocimene and what it is, its properties and what flavors it can produce, you know that cannabis terpene profiles are unique, and thanks to the rapid advancement of regulation on an international scale, every day there’s more and more information available. We plan on keeping you up to date with all of the latest news and information so you don’t miss out on a think.
So, what did you think? Do you have any questions? Let us know in the comments below and share your thoughts with the community!
Cali Terpenes