After a couple of months rest, @Chef420Grados is back in action to show you a brand new recipe with terpenes. This time, you can learn how to make special raviolis.
Cannabis-Flavored Zucchini and Cod Raviolis
Are you tired of the same recipes and dishes? Check this one out – you’ll be surprised when you try it!
Our beloved David Chef420 wanted to try out some deep, sweet jungle flavors by adding Sweet Tooth terpenes. However, that’s not all, the combination of colors, textures, aromas and flavors go even further. Keep reading and find out more!
Remember, you can also find a video tutorial further along in the post.

In this recipe, the most notable ingredient apart from terpenes is zucchini, a versatile and super healthy vegetable.
- It’s a source of fiber, helping to maintain a healthy digestive system.
- Low in calories.
- Rich in vitamin B6, which contributes to various brain and nervous system functions, as well as vitamin C, which helps to strengthen the immune system.
- It’s a source of antioxidants such as Vitamin A and beta-carotene, which protect cells from damage caused by free radicals.
- 1 zucchini
- Parmesan cheese
- 100g cod
- 2 cloves of garlic
- 30ml virgin extra olive oil
- 5ml milk
- Sweet Tooth terpenes (or your preferred food-grade terpenes)
Zucchini Raviolis with Cannabis Aromas, Step by Step
Follow these steps to make this recipe to perfection, and keep an eye out for our tutorial video, to ensure that you get every step right in this delicious recipe:
Prepping the filling (cod brandade)
- Place the coz in a pot, submerged in water, and put to boil.
- Once it begins boiling, remove and drain the cod.
- Cut your garlic cloves into slices and fry them at low heat with some olive oil on the pan.
- Once the garlic is toasted, remove it from the pan and keep the olive oil.
- Combine the cod, the “garlic” oil, the milk, two drops of terpenes and mix well with a mixer. Add salt to taste.
Prepping the raviolis.
- Cut your zucchini into thin slices (using a peeler you can get thinner slices)) without getting any seeds.
- Slightly cook one side of the zucchini slices on the pan and then set them aside on a plate or cutting table.
Making the raviolis
- Drip some Modena vinegar on the plate (optional). Place the slices in a cross shape on the plate (with the cooked side of the zucchini facing up), place the brandade in the middle and close it like a package; the first slice art the bottom, and then the top one.
- With a thin grater, grate some parmesan over it. You can place them in the oven for a couple of minutes to melt the cheese too (optional).

The main idea behind this recipe is to add complex aromas that complement the flavors and aromas provided by the different ingredients, offering quite the superior experience.
Sweet Tooth terpenes provide this recipe with deep, floral and pine, almost jungle-like aromas, with light incensed tones.
Main Terpenes in Sweet Tooth
d-Limonene, Caryophyllene, Linalool, Myrcene, b-Pinene, a-Terpineol, Citronelol, Cineol, Terpinolene.
So, what do you think of this recipe? Quite surprising, right? Do you have any suggestions? Let us know in the comments below and share your thoughts with the community!
Cali Terpenes