Returns Policy

1. Returns and refunds

Notice: once you receive your purchase, check its contents immediately; if the package is damaged on the outside let the delivery service know.

If your order arrives damaged, you have 24h to make a written complaint to, although to speed up the process we recommend calling +34 638521245. After this period, no product complaints will be accepted.

Orders can be cancelled with no additional cost up until the moment that the order has been prepared for shipping to the user. If the petition for cancellation is received after the order has been prepared, it will be considered a returned product on behalf of the user.

Users may freely withdraw from the purchase agreement, without indicating the motive, within a limit of fourteen (14) natural days after receiving the product. The date marked on the delivery receipt will make the start of the aforementioned fourteen (14) days.

To exercise your right to withdraw, users must communicate this to indicating for the effect of identification and management, the email used for the purchase and the order number. Cali Terpenes will answer you specifying precise instructions in order to exercise your right to withdraw.

The user of the website will assume the costs associated with returning the product, which must be safely packaged and sent so that the goods returned are in perfect condition. The user will be held responsible for any defect, damages or harm one to the product during this process.

Cali Terpenes, if the return of the product is accepted, will refund the total cost of the order minus the pickup costs that may arise due to shipping/collecting the order.

Cali Terpenes will only allow for products to be returned when the functionality of the product has been proven to be in good condition by the user, in accordance with current legislation.

Cali Terpenes does not allow for the return of products that have suffered deterioration or damages by part of the user.

The product returned must be in its original packaging and in perfect condition, which is to say, not damaged or dirtied by the customer, and it must be sent to the location indicated by Cali Terpenes in the instructions sent to the customer. The packaging must be properly identified in order to identify the sender. If not sent under the conditions stipulated in the present terms and agreements, the goods will be depreciated, and the cost must be covered by the customer.

Travessera de les Corts, 48
Hospitalet de Llobregat
(Beside the Barça stadium)

This withdrawal has no bearings in the scenarios stipulated in Article 103 Legislative Royal Ordinance 1/2007 16th November, which approved the Consolidated Draft of the General Law for the Protection of Consumers.

In case of shipping error or product defects, Cali Terpenes will change the defective product for another, as long as the product is available. If the product were not available, the cost of the product will be returned within 14 natural days. In order to request a refund, get in touch with us via email at

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